7 Reasons Not To Buy A Replica Watch


Should I buy a replica watch is a question asked by 30% of people looking for watches online according to the Swiss watch industry. It is puzzling that almost a third of people are still on the hunt for fake watches when there are so many reasons not to buy a replica watch.

Despite the efforts of the luxury watch industry to crush the replica market – in 2010, literally, they created 7,000 replicas in a PR stunt see the image below! People are still buying replicas.

However, one thing has changed. In order to buy a replica these days, you have to go for one. Usually they are sold by private sellers on the streets of New York, London or Hong Kong along with lots of other replicas. So if you wear a replica these days you are very likely to know it is a.

If you are considering going this route, I hope you think twice after reading these 7 Reasons Not To Buy A Replica Watch.

You risk your reputation
Many owners of replica watches think that no one will be able to tell that they are wearing a fake. This is the reason why they decided to go ahead and buy one.

With the thought “why should I buy the real thing when I can buy one that’s exactly like the real thing, but for a fraction of the price.” Sorry to say but this idea is totally wrong.

A replica watch is never exactly like the real thing.

How can it be?

You are spending money on a watch made by Swiss watch companies with hundreds of years of craftsmanship and design behind them, which use high quality materials and spend years building your watch in some cases.

Or, you’re spending $ 100 on a watch made by crooks trying to concoct a replica watch with crappy movement and the cheapest materials they can get. It is very easy to distinguish a replica from a real watch, you will smell it as you wear it, and others will know that you have purchased an item from an illegal industry.

 There is no value in a fake watch
There is absolutely no value in a fake watch, it is not even worth passing on to your children. Zero craftsmanship, shoddy materials and movement that can’t keep time. You cannot resell a fake watch, it will never increase in value. Yes, you saved a few hundred dollars but got nothing in return. You could have saved up for a year and brought the real thing.

No diving for you

Replica watches are not waterproof. Some of them say they are, but how much do you trust a watch put together by someone with no skills who are trying to cut costs and cut costs with every turn.

You can buy a used diver’s watch for less than $ 2,000 and under that is impervious to heavy dives, showering, bathing, in the rain. And, you will have a quality watch that you can pass on to your children and that they can pass on to theirs.

Fake bracelets often collapse and break
Aside from the shoddy face and terrible movements, replica bracelets are often very poorly put together. The strap of a watch should be structurally sound, it is constantly moving all day long every day that you go about your business.

Often, replica watch customers find that their bracelet has broken after a few months of wear.

You support the illegal industry more related to the replica industry
There doesn’t seem to be anything morally wrong with buying replica watches, right? Rolex, Omega, Tag Heuer, these are huge companies with a lot of money, who cares about losing a few dollars here and there. Well, you’re not just destroying an industry that has been in their trade for over a hundred years, you are also supporting other, much worse illegal industries in the process.

It is illegal to buy a replica watch
If you are still not convinced by points 1 to 5, maybe this one will make him go home. Have you ever walked through the airport and noticed those posters that say “fake is illegal”? Buying replica watches is an offense punishable by a fine and imprisonment. It’s a much more serious business than buying a looky-likey from a street vendor.

 Do you want to walk around feeling dissatisfied?
The last point we’ll leave with you is this. Why would you want to walk around with an unsatisfied feeling in the pit of your stomach?

By buying a replica watch you are saying “I’m not worth the real thing”.

Why choose to wear a poor quality item that will damage your image and your reputation?

If you can’t afford a luxury watch, whether new or used, save until you can. The satisfaction of finally buying the real thing will mean so much more to you than just pretending.

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